Wednesday, July 30, 2008


frm the form meeting today...
i've seen most of the real attitude our f4 prefect's possess...

since ytd's agm, most of u hve already starting to take BoP as a joke
playing at every chance u got

while dun u realize that its only the beginning for us?
even though we're nt part of the council board
we're still prefects, n we're together in this BoP
shouldnt we b trying to improve it, instead of slacking off nw agm's over?

focusing on internal duties n stuff
yes i noe f3 prefects shld, in theory be more hardworking
bt shouldnt we play our part oso?
our part is that of guiding them to do the right things n helping them out
nt letting them to b alone, doing evrything without a beacon to guide them
i noe we've been through tougher situations in our f3 year
bt that's no reason to leave them to their own devices, n let all duties be done incorrectly...

n if we ever get to organize any events, be it a big one or a small one...
we'll nid a lot of support, especially frm u guys...
the council board r nt superheroes, they cant handle evrything...
n thats where we come help them achieve what they cnnt on their own...

frankly im disappointed with you all
though i noe i've no power nor the authority to ask all of you to change your ways
i still hope that u guys will really think abt the future of the board, nt jz the old thinking that
i'm nt the council, y shld i pia so much?

its nt being a council or nt tat counts, its how much heart u put into BoP that really counts...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

hwa lian prefects visit

hwa lian prefects came to our sch last fri for some interaction
granted that, i nvr actually did interact due to me hving a slight fever n was stim-ing away most of the day

slept in the auditorium while waiting for them to arrive
head was feeling damn heavy
n my thoughts were mostly blurred, punctuated by slight pangs of pain...

finaly they did come n we went out to welcome them
my brief rest did hve its merits after all --- i was able to stand n look lik i was perfectly fine
man what a lie ==
reali happy to gt back into the auditorium again...

both our sch's vice principals gave short speeches
n presentation of each our sch's started
our sch was mostly on duty stuff no pics =(
their's was a bit more on their school n anual events with pics =)
then was the Q&A session n souvenir exchangingvice prncipal vs. vice principalpresentingn i noticed, their head girl looks lik yingqi O.oQ&A sessionziyi n weizhen doing a brief demo
souvenir exchange

went out for their light refreshments
didnt eat anything cz my stomach had already disagreed with me tat very morning
nt gonna risk another one...
went to the front to 'help' out the setup for the group pic later
n my head was better... nt that blur bt the pangs still remained...

went back to the canteen n with them, went to the front to take our pic
poor us squatting...

they had their tour aftersch archiverobotic lab
prefect's room
astronomy tower

they had to leave after that cz their bus had arrived
too bad zz
bt i hoped the rest hu had attended hve learned loads frm them
i wouldve heard my condition wasn't tat great

hope to organize more events n the future

Tuesday, July 22, 2008



只希望你们选到的,是真正有实力,真正能 pia 的。。。

那些得到 post 的,恭喜你们。。。

Monday, July 21, 2008

YE sales

went for YE sales last sat
thx to ginny for the lift
n ur sis does look lik u lar

went around stalls looking at stuff
bt i mostly jz went to clhs, pcghs n union d stall nia, too lazy to go other stalls zzCLHS - Oziozhao wei drawing on requestet entao lerjin xin, eujo n shijieernie n his cute 'accessory'

PCGHS - Jiveyguess who?

Union - Enchantix
n my acc teach in d background zz

our CM of Penang, Lim Guan Eng came too
snapped a pic of him beside PCGHS's stall
n tq to teik ming for the free ticket for batman
i noe ur disappointed in nt succeeding in asking connie out, jiayou la
good luck next time

Heath Ledger was amazing as the Joker
man he reali was like a real-life psychopath, licking his lips n all these acts...
too bad he died in january zz
loss of one hell of a great actor

peng hwa gals reali hardworking la
still nt going back even though the event ended on 8
yingxiu still there tallying the receipts till abt 9.30
folowed my aunt back after that
c so hardworking

Thursday, July 17, 2008



现在的学长团到底是一个怎样的团体? 一个和坏学生打交道,欺善怕恶,与老师意见不合,学生瞧不起,求人的团体吗? 以往的宗旨-以身作则,现在演变成什么了? 我们有什么能让学生学习的吗? 头发、指甲超长,与坏学生为伍,欺善怕恶等,这些能当模范吗? 以往,学长团是一个学生听了畏惧的团体,学长个个都是模范-成绩优良,态度良好,尊敬老师等,和现在相差多远呢? 我们是不是应该反省反省了呢?

我们身为学长,都是训导老师亲手选出的,但现在和老师唱反调,我们对吗? 是,我知道老师有时不合作,但我们有站在他们的立场想想吗? 训导老师不是只管学校秩序而已,他们也像普通老师,都有上课,都有教书的。然后我们就在他们忙碌时刻一直带学生见他们,请问他们会爽吗? 而且,许多 Special OP 没通知老师就行动了,成功了没关系,但失败时如何交代? 训导老师就认为是我们为了不要上课才把 Special OP 当借口出班,马马虎虎检查一番就算了,我们有想过这一点吗?

此外,学校秩序不好也是不是我们间接造成的呢? 为了方便 duty, 就和坏学生打好关系,有用吗? 他们可能说好,但你一转身就被他们酸你是狗、笨蛋、呆子。。。 你感觉如何? 照理讲,他们是不应该给我们麻烦的,但现在是我们自己求他们不要跟我们找事,这不就颠覆了原本的事实吗? 而且,我们当中有人不去对付坏学生,而去针对乖学生,这公平吗? 而且为了证明自己是有料的,不分青红皂白拼命抄学号,这不就是只做一场戏吗? 酱就会解决问题吗? 永远不会。。。




Wednesday, July 16, 2008

db agm

fastest agm i've ever been to
started at 3.53, ended at 4.04

Sunday, July 13, 2008

988 concert

went autocity ytd fo the 988 concert
srry har js, me ponteng db training...had to go thr at 3 smtg...

reached thr n went to segafredo
met teejin n gang thr
den went to starbucks, meet yiing chau n gang
joined her gang n went to check out the booths bt had to leave to makan with parents for a while
went into the concert area abt 7 smtg

at first wasn't tat people kept crowding in
reali hot inside
i went bac early, cz it started to rain

at least i still got to c yoga...
cheers were loudest for him
as expected

chinese orchestra performance

as said, went dewan sri pinang for herrick's concert
sat U101 thr, n i had to walk a short distance thr

n i forgot my ticket herrick sold me!!! left it at home zz
when i bought another one, herrick came out with an invitation card
bcame pekcek over xtra rm10 paid...
den i baru tau zhong lin had another spare ticket!!!
walau eh!!! veri d bo tat ar!!!
rm20 for a rm10 ticket

met queen n 1st ques she asked me was whether i liked ginny
zzz swt
den joanne arrived n we masuk d

sat wit hooi ching
n ah boo so gao lor, ingat hooi ching was my gf
buta mia dia, same goes for joanne

hitting the gongb4 performance2nd part of performance after break

performance started with 紫露
quite nice song n actually i feel that only the d songs can hear all the 大合奏 songs
千万里路 was good...
d rock n roll one was "special"...
others nt tat good liao la...

hooi ching gave me a lift back
TQ ar teach. will try to make it to ur convocation if i can amke it

c herrick?
the end

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

survival camp

been lazy to update lately, what with all the f1 stuff n my newly renewed addiction to runescape...

so last week's survival camp...
actually jz a test camp nia, so most of the time very sang, ntg much to do 1
bt a lot of test nid read up lor

1st day was abt making our shelters, den retest for jayadiri n knots
thx yeong rui for the short splice
dnno y slept a lot tat night, while other patrol d ppl still pia-ing...studying

2nd day, senior troop interview, backwoods, modern n retest pioneering
by right i shld b soloing pioneering 1, bt thx to ziyang, hu helped me a lot.

senior troop interview...
i tink i kena paling gai d...they printed out this n made me read it in front of them all
den i kena machine gun. imagine M-16 shooting...

c'mon, my blog is my personal space n i can write wadever i like, jz lik wad joanne wrote
and before i end this blog, i would like to inform those who have no idea what a blog actually is. a blog is made for the owner to express his or her feelings, if you are not agree with me, you may judge me, but i wont change for you, and the cancel button of this website is just at the corner, click it and leave.
jz love wad she wrote. i might be a bit 过分, bt i dun regret on wad i've written.
bt i still hve to thank u ppl for letting me voice my thoughts out, in the later part of the interview...

backwoodsfrying chicken skin...n yes, thats oil, if ur wonderingmodern cooking, n i noe my face is stim n ziyang two-man pioneering
view frm top of campsite

3rd day, final inspection, traps n scout den cleared scout den
final inspection...i think our shelter failed d...zz
traps, me n woei loon 1 team, did deadfall n snare trap. passed btw

n we were doing moral project all over again, cleared a god damn lot of stuff frm scout den
rubbish bins were full n loads of rubbish bags around itmoral project
me n woei loonpatrol campsite

den all balik kampung d, went chinese orchestra tat night.
lit chen i deleted tat vid of u d ar, so dun come find me asking whether i still gt or nt