Monday, September 29, 2008


幸运游戏 游戏规则:

1 最近在看的电视──我不看连续剧。。。
2 最近在做的事情──pia DotA, msn, 回答这个 tag lor
3 最近在听的音乐──现在听着-神秘嘉宾,林宥嘉
4 最近在吃的东西──刚刚吃了一盘菜。。。
5 最近在看的报刊──东方日报
6 最近关心的话题──做么gurney 没有 nike hyperdunk???
7 最近常去的地方──学校
8 最近常想的异性──不回答较好。。。
9 最近常想做的事──不知道。。。只要不是读书就对了。。。
10 最近身体状况──满不错,但肥了点
11 最近理财状况──破产了。。。口袋空空
12 对朋友最想說的話──不要再说我肌肉大没脑啦。。。
13 对自己最想說的話──不要想太多,习惯就好。。。
14 想一个减肥的良方──多运动,控制粮食
15 记忆中做过的最疯狂的事情──被人 support back handspring 第三次时扭伤脖子。。。
16 喜欢K歌的程度1~10依次遞增── 4
17 最喜欢吃的食物──芝士
18 最喜欢吃的水果──芒果
19 最怕什么──自己一个人,很 sien 的
21 你最遗憾的一件事情──好多喔。。。像课外活动的事情。。。
22 短期的目标──考好最后一次
23 现在最想买的東西──nike hyperdunk!!!
24 你最想将來定居在哪里──济洲岛,韩国
25 觉得自己最大的优点是什么──想 pia 就很 pia
26 近一年最丟人的事情是什么──去年 PMR 后 redbox 内的事。。。
27 你现在最想的他/她是谁──嗨。。。不要讲了。。。
28 去年最快乐的是哪天──PIDBF 赢了不少奖牌,在台上 hong 的那时
29 今年最大的愿望是什么──长高!但好象没什么可能了。。。
30 迄今为止最难忘的一件事──去bangkok 最后一晚的事
31 找结婚对象的条件是什么──和我合得来,有自己想法,做事独立,还有重要是我爽啦!
32 如果上天給你一个再來一次的机会,最想改变哪件事情──去年 PMR 最后一天的事。。。
33 什么情況下分手了还能做朋友──还谈得来,可以互相聊天
34 现阶段生活的支点是什么──msn
35 “付出是为了获得”是否是一切交流的原則──不是啦
36 有沒有半夜梦见一件发生在自己身上的事被吓醒的经历──没有,但有被蚊子叮醒过
37 到目前為止谈过几次恋愛──0
38 有交往对象吗?──没有。。。gua
39 失去什么你会不想活下去──“好好活下去”,我没那么笨去死啦
40 你会选择愛还是被愛──两个都可以啦,但我较爽爱人
41 你觉得自己能找到幸福吗?──应该能吧
42 你认为自己善良吗?──有啦
43 对你而言,我是什么──我是我
44 想去的地方──日本
45 在你心目中,事业重要还是家庭重要──我会找一个平衡点
46 你对同性恋婚姻有什么样的看法──没感觉,但男和男。。。有点怪怪的
47 现在的時间,地点──10.57pm,我家二楼,电脑前
48 你难过時会想起谁──想起自己
49 在生命的最后一天,你会做什么──出去爽翻天,做所有没做过的事
50 你觉得自己是个自私的人吗?─有时啦
51 一句刻骨銘心的谎话──leima 你的手很大只
52 对自己的一切最满意的是什么──可以做 malnutrition 人的肚子
53 曾经的好朋友沧海桑田,你会觉得怎样──不明白意思
54 什么类型的电影最让你感动──钱不够用2 那种戏。。。
55 喜欢用什么方式排解烦恼──erm...打电话,踏脚车,一个人静静坐着
56 这一秒我在想什么──很 sien lar...
57 你有几个真正的朋友──没去算
58 家人重要还是朋友重要,能二选一──在外靠朋友,在内。。。靠家人啦!
59 你印象最深刻的鬼片是哪一部?哪个情景?──鬼片就没啦,但游戏就有。F.E.A.R.
60 你相信有灵魂這种媒介存在么?──没,但又不能证明
61 如果要在身体上紋一个纹身,你最希望的部位是哪里──deltoid
62 你最自恋的表现是什么──照镜子摆pose nia, 不习惯拍大头贴
63 如何称呼自己的伴侶才夠肉麻?──没恋爱过
64 你希望世界返璞歸真還是越來越先進──越來越先进
65 你认為自己是什么样的人呢?──比较 serious, 但会 siao siao 的
66 不想死也不想好好活着的時候该以什么样的方式面对?──中 coma 啦,就半死半生了
67 如果用动物來形容自己你最接近什么动物?──猴子,因为擅长爬上爬下
68 做了這么多题目之后,有什么想法?──做么酱多?
69 用三个词來形容一下自己目前的生活──很 sien ler
70 支撑你對自己恋人无限包容的支点是什么──没恋爱过
71 如果明确告诉你死了能到更美好的世界,你会不会马上去死──美好世界有什么?美好什么定义?
72 在你心目中,朋友,究竟是什么?──朋友是会随时帮助你,support 你的
73 一个个生人莫名其妙給你一个并不重的耳光之后,再对你微笑,你会有什么反应?──粗话操死他
74 你知道8月19是什么日子么?──上课日
75 如何认识心中的那个他/她──现在没有
76 现在有心仪的对象吗?──没
77 你有过劈腿的经历吗?(包括精神)──没
78 到目前为止,生命中重要的几个人?(可以用昵称)──爸,妈,妹,霆,生,祖,杰
79 你会一直坚持梦想吗,还是会屈服于现实? ──现实最实际
80 最近听到的最八卦的事情是什么?──安华鸡奸案
81 如果条件允許,会养什么宠物?──狗
82 去厕所刚蹲下发现自己忘带手纸了怎么办?──旁边都有厕纸了
83 等待一个愛的人, 你會為自己设一个時限吗?比如, 一年, 兩年, 五年.....?? ──觉得酱做很不实际
84 最近看了什么书啊?──Brisingr
85 最想去的国家或地区? ──美国
86 回答完问题什么感觉?──很爽
87 最令你无法忍受的事情──明明不 yeng 还做 tukau 的样子
88 说出自己的体重及身高──167cm, 62.7kg
89 说出初恋的名字──无人
90 觉得点到你的人是怎样的一个人?──脸色苍白的鬼

sien, 不要点人了

Friday, September 19, 2008

20th thailand international swan boat races

posted this stuff abit late, hahah
gt more posts here frm engwei at forward's blog

how do i put this...
lots of pics n prolly gonna b my longest post till nw

as said by jin xin in 奇迹生还, we were the 4 sohais tat were going to thailand

sohai no.1 - KHOO JIN SHENG, our president
sohai no.2 - WANG YONG CHIEH, our vice-president
sohai no.3 - GOH EE TENG, our captain
sohai no.4 - TEH MING XUN, me!!! team manager btw

pontenged sch in d morning
didnt wan to miss anything important which i nid to take thr
jz another excuse made up to ponteng X)
though i did sneeze tat whole day...

went to airport in d afternoon, wearing our 1st formal forward polo-t

i was still carrrying 3 xtra life jackets, 1 for teng, 1 for js, last for chieh. dun ask, mine crammed into my luggage d if i had known tat i wouldnt b using it... wunt bring d, waste space nia zz
checked in, teng n chieh had their life jackets tied together as an extra luggage
cost them rm10 too
js literally crammed his into my luggage...ohmy poor bag...

nah their siao-ness, summore had the "fragile" tape on it
went onboard, flight still as sien as ever...

reached bangkok n was raining there, damn big also

got into the airport w/o walking!!!
1st time via airasia haha
forward guys c tiok duty free shops tiok start shop for liquor d zz

teng n chieh go do jiao stuff pulak
btw thailand d immigration there still gt webcam, to take ur pic kononnya
gt ppl take our pics n vid when we arrived, summore follo us until we got onto the bus
nt bad eh X) c the media cam?

our hotel was MAXX hotel

notice the similarities btween it n me? haha

dumped our stuff n went out for dinner

ate japanese food

on d way back d seniors went for clubbing
ah lam couldnt get in cz he was 18, night clubs there minimum requirement of 20, haha

finished a whole packet of biscuits b4 we even reached our hotel

fyi we had to walk frm the hotel to where we ate dinner n bangkok cars reali...make penang cars look tame...

4gt which nite la...our taxi was going at the speed of 100+kmph, n a motorist got in front of us!!! also hes w/o a helmet...
try imagining bangkok roads nw...

back to hotel
i slept early while the other 3 siao kias dnno go whos room main daun terup... squeezing into a single bed...jz din hug nia


had our 1st buffet breakfast at the hotel

we tot it was still 5 days of literally the same thing every morning is...unappetizing...

bread, rice, eggs, jam, butter, ham, sausages, milk... prolly wad we jz ate in these 5 mornings

got to bang sai arts n craft center, ayutthaya province which was to be our race site

had our first glimpse at the so called swan boats, different design than drg boats O.O

even d head is SOOOOooooooo different

paddles there were ok though
sabah's paddles were far worse zz
though these paddles here dont hve a handgrip...
n they hve thailand on them


training was kinda good, had a feel for the boat...
hit my fingers a few times on the side of the boat
n nw i dun believe in wearing gloves while rowing, a roll of plaster is still better

nah, the effects frm wearing gloves
--- pollution on my hands
pic b4 training
group us 4 clhs kias emo-ing

went back after lunch n went out to kia kia

pi siam paragon n mbk

siam paragon being a real high class mall, which no doubt are way outta our league

bt still it was the best place in bangkok ive been to (best as in its decorations, glamour n style)
see? even outside so yeng d. inside no nid guess la...
gt massive aquarium, IMAX theatre, exhibitions of expensive cars bla bla bla

went outside to mbk
crossed the street outside, it was kinda like urm...dedicated to shopping nia evrywhere nampak ppl shopping n such teng with the cap. nah, he din buy it hard rock cafe

got into mbk

it was somewhat similiar to prangin mall here, though it had wayyy more stuff selling there

started shopping for stuff

bought t-shirts with the crazy parodied stuff on them, which unfortunately i forgot to take pics of zz

had dinner n went back to our hotel

damnit kena sok hui by tat taxi driver, charged us so muc


day of the start of the comp

went again to ayutthaya

atended the opening, no fun at all, standing under the damn heat while listening to some unknown foreign language...
got our 1st glimpse at the prizes though n dnno wad minister hiting the gong plus the "exploding balloons"?

races started next

best to watch were the thai traditional longboats

so many ppl u watch liao oso gong ki
n the front shake lik siao when speeding

forward in action

went to their aquarium at lunchtime

nt too great or wad, bt it still holds some of the biggest catfish ive seen, the chao phraya species the CAT-FiSH master snakehead

went back to the tents for preps of the upcoming race

soon as we finished warming up, the wind started to blow n rain started to fall
wasnt too bad at 1st...until we noticed the tent itself starting to rise...
teng pulled it down... n it rose again...n never came down again...

we were dumbstruck, looking on as the tents flew over our head n overturned...

looking beside, we saw that the whole row of tents were overturned by the wind

still gong gong, i looked at the overturned tents, up to the raining sky, down to my belongings, back to the tent...
RUN!!! heard that, n w/o 2nd thoughts grabbed my stuff n ran outta d scene pic of d heavy rain... people taking shelter aftermath...

gt some more pics
here if ur interested, plus a video

waited for our bus to go back
went back, bathed n rested a while b4 going to the night market
had dinner there


had the same breakfast...sien si
went back to ayutthaya
n resumed the delayed race ytd, d 1 with thailand one
which we ended up losing, thus going into the loser's cup

fyi, the race consists of 2 parts, the winner's cup, which u start at, n the loser's cup, which losers frm the winner's cup go to n fight to get back to the top

pia-ed to the match btween us n pacific west
match for the 4th place
allaaaa, they lost to us

video here shows it all, though at the end it wasnt veri clear...
lost in the next round though
aiyo, we din expect to win, bt did our best

at least fulfilled 1 of our primary objective, got 4th placing

n a bonus --- win pacific west. mwahahah

went back once more to the aquarium
n went all around for kia kia ate insects n magggotsresults board

after that, evryone started drinking SINGHA

c la, underage oso follo ppl minum

closing nxt

c la, effects of alcohol on the human body

stim ki whole person

got our prize money of 70000 baht plus a trophy, lol

started to rain again, heavier den ytd

bt at least no tents were flying around this time


had the celebration dinner later

the stim guy jz nw bcame a lucky guy

jin sheng ar jin sheng, u too hiong d laaaaaaa yorr

received the souvenirs frm the tourism guy

den took pics of ah lam

poor guy tionk d

promoted SINGHA
had a lot of shows n performances

though some were...
rather distasteful...

fooled around n had pics
went back on the bus n siao-ed more, haha
check out
here for more, including videos frm the night's performance n acts on d bus


went to dream world for syok

in the love garden

jz look at their actions

saw the mini versions of the 7 wonders of the world, n those who were nt

though i jz posted the entrance =.=
saw this guy bathing outdoors

went into the giant;s house

as it name implies, it has some reali big stuff overlarge slippers

went into the snow house

similiar to the one in genting bt far smaller

played lotsa other stuff oso, bt din list them out nor did i took any pics
2nd last pic b4 returning last pic

skipped the afternoon tour abt thai temples went mbk again! n had dinnertook this pic outside of a brassiere shop

after that followed the seniors to hve thai traditional massage

bt they brought us into a prostitute brothel 1st, kononnya lihat-lihat, mengeluaskan pengalaman zz
okla, we did ntg la. even watch oso kinda paiseh la.

wei when u masuk sudenly tens of pairs of eyes stare at u, loook at u...
u ada itu nerve tengok balik ka?

went the the real thai massage later

cost us 400 baht for 2 hrs of massage, summore i gave 100 baht d tips

went back to hotel after that


finally, day to balik penang d!!!

packed after brakfast n lazed around, watching tv blablabla

went down to the lobby to wait for our bus
last group pic in thai

went thru all the customs n stuff again n waited at the departure hall

had lunch@burger king

double beef burger or smtg + the upgrade

damnit almost coulnt finish the coke drink

si pek besar cawan itu
back to m'sia, balik rumah

---THE END---

*sry if quality nt tat good, i scanned it*