Wednesday, February 10, 2010


the layer of dust. man it really needs some cleanup... *scrub scrub*

it's been like 1 month plus since i last updated something, i really am neglecting my blog =(

so...its been a month since i 'moved' to Subang Jaya. college is really kinda different from high school. disregarding the laundry, cooking that i have to do myself, since i stay alone, college work compared to high school is noticeably less, the hours longer though less tedious, air-conditioned (C18 damn cold la wei!!!), no tuition classes (lecturers will give extra classes if they deem you need it), more expensive food compared to CLHS's canteen food (vegetarian food cheap though, RM2 for rice & 3 side dishes, cheapest i found so far), NO UNIFORMS, no damned hell heavy textbooks to carry around, and bla bla bla, bla bla bla.
college is actually not that fun as envisioned, but you can't get everything you want, right? =)

joined dance club and dodgeball club. currently trying to make the team for dodgeball, it has such a cool name --- HYENAS, not to mention the damned nice logo they have =)though admittedly i'm still not that good, aiming sucks, ball catching sucks, hell i even have a problem throwing a fast ball...hopefully will improve soon

for dance, i got into some crew with a rather dysfunctional name --- OKU Crew, though its on a temporary basis though, gonna change soon i hope. currently already attended a few short classes, learnt some basics, and found out my previous so-called dancing experience is actually worthless ><
still, am on the verge of improving, and with more sessions scheduled, life will actually be more interesting compared to the first few weeks, where there was almost nothing to do except playing DoTA everyday, or siening in my room...

back in Penang, tragedy struck CLHS's dragon boat team. in my 3 years, nothing happened, and now this happened, sad and disturbing. just shows how fragile life is eh? this incident struck quite a blow at many people, most notably close relatives and friends, our principal, even Huat and Kok Teik. the feeling of guilt at not being able to save the deceased must have really weighed them down, sighs. but still, there's nothing we can do now but continue on with our lives with a new found realization --- life's precious...cherish it

hmm...i think that's it for now...well, wishing all who manages to read this post a happy chinese new year, and if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend, then happy valentine's too =))))